Friday, October 26, 2007

This week in my Humanities class at Palo Alto College we had the pleasure of hosting a guest speaker. She was a young lady about our age. She recently graduated from college and is now an active member of our local politics. She has a particular interest in protecting our aquifer. San Antonio has natural underwater aquifers and we rely on this aquifer for our water. However some people in our community believe making money takes priority over keeping our water clean. These people are contractors who want to develop high priced homes and shopping complexes in areas in our city that supply the aquifer with water. The more we develop these areas the more risk we run in polluting our water source. We as a community need to be more involved in our city’s politics so we can fight things that are harmful to our environment. I was glad the guest speaker opened my eyes to some of the things we need to keep an eye on as far as protecting the aquifer. She was quite impressive to me because most people our age are consumed with things not nearly as important as the things she is involved with. This was a positive experience to me and I was glad I took part in this experience.

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