Thursday, September 27, 2007

San Antonio is a city that is not only beautiful but is also full of history. We as natives of San Antonio go about our daily lives in a rush and sometimes forget to take a step back and look at the past. I had just that opportunity. To go to a very popular monument here in San Antonio. My college Humanities class was asked by our professor to go to the Alamo and write an entry on this blog about our experiences there. It has been quite some time since I had been to the Alamo and I was looking forward to seeing this historic landmark again. We were also asked to go a bit more in depth and answer a few questions regarding how we view the Alamo. We as Americans and Texans in particular see the men who died at the Alamo as heroes. These men are heroic legends in Texas who fought off the evil Mexicans. There is however two sides to every story and the story of the Alamo are no different. Not only did Anglos fight at the Alamo but native Texans of Mexican decent also fought and died there. When walking through the Alamo the focus seems to be on the well known heroes that fought here and very little is there that pays homage to the others who fought here as well. In other word we as Americans see this battle as white people who fought off Mexicans. There were however many people of Mexican descent who without their contributions Texas may still be part of Mexico. These are the little mentioned unsung heroes of the Alamo. We need to acknowledge their contributions to this cause. The Alamo is very well kept with three main buildings for you to walk through as well as a beautiful garden you can walk through as well. This trip was a good experience for me and I encourage you to go somewhere historic near where you live and experience some history. I also ask that you try and get the story of any historic event from both sides and all involved in order to get a complete view of what really happened.

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